Friday 11 April 2014

Carrot Cake topped with toasted pumpkin seeds.

-11th April 2014-                    
Carrots with cake & cheese spread!                                         
                   Soundtrack: Chas N Dave

210g Light Muscovado Sugar
210g Self Raising Flour                  
1 Tsp Baking powder
1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 Tsp Mixed Spice
Pinch of Salt
100g Raisins
240g Grated Carrot
Zest of 1 Orange
3 Eggs
145ml Oil
You can also add desicated coconut, chopped walnuts or dried fruit.

Philadelphia/soft cheese
2 Tbsp Caster Sugar

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds 

Weigh the dry ingredients

& Sieve


& Grate the Carrots.

& zest the Orange.

Weigh the fruit.

Mix all together

Not forgetting the sugar.

Crack the eggs

Measure the oil

& mix together.

Combine everything.

& Bake in an oven pre-heated to Gas 4. 180 degrees for approx 35 minutes.

Check with a skewer, if it comes out dry the cake is done.

Stir up the frosting ingredients.

Spead all over & top with toasted pumpkin seeds.

♥ Carrot Cake Done ♥

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Healthy Bread

-8th April 2014-

Me & my brother making a really yummy & healthy bread.

You can change the amounts by using the percentage.

Wholemeal/Strong White Flour 250g/250g 100%
Lukewarm water 325g (Weight is always best) 65%
Salt 7.5g 1.5%
Yeast 5g 1%
                        Sunflower/Sesame/Pumpkin Seeds 2tbsp each

Weigh all the ingredients into a large bowl.

Give it a good mix...

& get really sticky hands.

Turn the mix out onto a smooth clean surface.




until smooth. Roll into a ball and twist and pull to seal bottom.

Put in an oiled bowl with plenty of room to expand. Cover with a teatowel and leave in warm/not cold place to ferment for a minimum of 2 hours.

Until it has doubled in size.

Gently stretch into a big rectangle and fold one end into the centre

and the other over

Put in an oiled loaf tin and leave to prove for an hour in a warm/not cold place covered with oiled cling film/cloth.

Until it is loaf shaped. Give the loaf a cut from one end to the other down the centre with a serrated knife. Sprinkle over some flour for a rustic look. Get your oven pre-heated to its highest temp.

If you want to put seeds on top do this before the flour or they will fall off. Turn the oven down to Gas 7 (200 degrees)

Bake for approx 25 mins. Gets Dads & Mums to check if its Golden & Crusty. Gently ease the bread from the tin. The bread may seem damp looking on the bottom, if so place in the oven upside down for a further 5 minutes. Let cool on a rack. Once cool just wrap in a tea-towel & put in the bread bin to keep crusty.

 For toast, for soups, for sandwiches ♥ Beautiful ♥